Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Philosophy Books - Topics Plato

Philosophy Books - Topics PlatoPaper Topics Plato is the name given to a set of discussions that the philosopher, Socrates held in Athens around 450 BC. In this dialogue he asked questions of the philosophers about what the good life was and why people should strive for it. The theme of his paper was Epicurean, where happiness was thought to be that state of happiness in which there were nothing to be desired in this world and the soul could live forever without fear of pain or loss.One of the most interesting points made by Plato in his paper Topics Plato is that there is no one person that is perfect, and that even the gods are fallible. He also states that even in case of a one-in-a-million chance that you will suffer some kind of physical or mental harm, you would not lose any value. The only thing that you should fear is death.Socrates then questioned a number of philosophers of different times. He asked whether this belief was self-evident or not. The answers from the philosoph ers at first were that this view was self-evident but as time went on it was also discovered that it was not so. Socrates maintained that if a person possesses everything that he or she could desire he or she would be no happier than one who has little or nothing.Next he asked the philosophers whether the people of the world will be happy if all the things that they desire were available to them. Some said yes and some said no. When it was discovered that there was no single answer that fits all, the philosopher asked them again if they were aware of any single truth that had so far remained hidden.Once again the philosophers struggled to give an answer to this question. They gave different explanations of their own that they found acceptable. For example one philosopher suggested that happiness comes from positive thoughts, and another said that it came from positive feelings, while yet another philosopher claimed that it came from positive actions.Finally Socrates brought up the p oint that we use reason to explain things but that reason causes our thinking and actions to lead us nowhere. He then brings up the idea that everyone is happy in a state of doubt, with hope, and with fear.Plato is a great philosopher and has been named the father of Western philosophy. His essays are widely read throughout the world and his ideas have provided some of the foundation for our contemporary civilization. At the same time, his views have caused many philosophers to be critical of his ideas and his method.If you are looking for a philosophy book that is written in such a way that it will challenge you, then you should try his book, Topics Plato. This is an engaging, entertaining and enlightening book.

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